Thank you for stopping in and checking out my scrabble tile jewelry!

100 % of proceeds help build a home for two children with Sanfilippo Syndrome

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Care for your scrabble tiles!

Thank you so much for all your support for Our Sweet Bee.  Whether you bought some tiles or sold some tiles, or helped me out in any way by just telling your friends, I am deeply thankful for your support.  I was just at the Zion's Art and Craft festival and it went very well.  If you saw me out there thank you for coming and showing your support. 

I just want to share with you to be careful not to get your scrabble tile wet.  As much as I would like to say they are water proof.  They just don't do well when they've been wet.  So just take them off before you shower.  Also if they become cloudy, it's possible to add a coat of clear nail polish over them to bring back some of the luster.  Although, I haven't done it myself Ive heard it helps.  Thank you again.  I will post the next time I'm out in the area selling my scrabble tiles.