Thank you for stopping in and checking out my scrabble tile jewelry!

100 % of proceeds help build a home for two children with Sanfilippo Syndrome

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Our Sweet Bee! Brooklyn

Brooklyn modeling for me!

Bandana Dresses and Bows $15


Hot pink



Here are a few bandana dresses that I have made for the little girls in my life.  I'm charging $15 for the dress and the bow!  I will keep posting more! 

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Welcome to Our Sweet Bee!  Custom scrabble tile necklaces that make a difference.  If you have a upcoming event, let us help you with a special necklace using your logo or picture or date!  Let us know how we can help make your next benefit a great success.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Beach Park Festival of Fine Arts

I will be at Beach Park Middle School selling my scrabble tile jewelry!

Beach Park Festival of Fine Arts

Beach Park Middle School 
40667 N. Green Bay Rd
Beach Park, IL   60099

Thursday April 19, 2012
6-9 pm

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


I have recently started making bracelets.  They are made on a black velvet ribbon, which is elastic so it is one size fits most.  I can make any tile into a bracelet.  Here is just a sampling of what I have.  Bracelets are $8 each.